Living alone.

Things I like about living alone:

My Christmas decorations have been up for over 3 weeks now.
I can watch The Office every night and no one is here to complain.
The cats sleep with me every night now.
I can listen to the same album for an entire week and have dance parties in my kitchen whenever I want.
There's a unicorn head on my wall, mouse ears on a shelf and a pink floral chair sitting in the corner of my living room.
I don't have to cook for anyone, so I can have frozen pizza for dinner every night if I want to (and most of the time, I do).

Last night I sat in my living room, kitties by my side, a cup of tea in my hand, reading a book with just the glow of the Christmas tree to light the room and all I could think was how grateful I am. Things could be so much worse and yet... things are getting better and easier every day.

Before now, I never truly lived on my own. When I moved out of my parents house, I lived with a roommate. When I moved out of the apartment I shared with her, I moved into the nanny apartment in my boss's home. When I moved out of there...  I was married and living with my new husband.

So here I am. Living 100% on my own for the first time. And I love it. I can't tell you how liberated how I feel. Confident. Independent. Happy.

It's funny how something you would've never wished to happen actually turns out to be something so good for you.

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